About Myself
Name: Patrick Knock
Age: Really Old (62)
Birthday: November 5th
Status: Married 42 years
Hometown: Ft. Worth TX
Education: M Ed.
School: Lamar University
Degrees: BA Political Science (UH)
BA History (UH)
M Ed. Admin (Lamar)
Occupation: Educator
Instant Messaging: nope
Books: The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons,
Coma, Shock, Two Treatises of
Government, Wealth of Nations
Writers: Robin Cook, Dan Brown, John Locke,
Adam Smith
Quotes: “People should not be afraid of their
government, governments should be
afraid of their people!”
~V in “V for Vendetta
"When the people fear their government,
there is tyranny; when the government
fears the people, there is liberty. "
~Thomas Jefferson
Food: Mexican, Chinese, italian, anything
Travel Desinations: DC, Germany, Italy
Academic Govt. Page AP/GT Govt. Page
This year I will be teaching HCC and AP/GT Government
This will be my 17th year teaching, my 6th at Taylor HS!
I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a dual degree from the University of Houston, earning a BA in both Political Science and History. I have successfully completed 23 hours of
graduate work in Political Science. In August 2010 I earned a Masters of Education from Lamar University.
This year I will be married for 42 years, and I am the proud father of two children.
I encourage any college bound student to sign up for AP US Government. While they are more challenging than the typical high school government course, these courses enable
you to get college credit without the college expense.